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(1 edit) (+1)

sadly this doesnt seem to work on mobile. The menus are somewhat unresponsive. And the tower menu just scrolls upward until no towers are accessible. And no amount of swiping makes it scroll back down.

Ireally miss VR Defender Y3K. I wish i could play this on mobile

Hi ninehammer!

Thank you for the feedback - I am currently experimenting with an overhaul of the UI that uses popups instead of drawer menus!

Do keep an eye out for future updates!
Many thanks :D


CSS Customization Guide -

Confirm that you will not alter’s built in UI with your CSS and that you will scope all changes only to the visuals of your page content.

you alter the header bar default color...

(1 edit) (+2)

After further investigation with itch, the issue is with Itch itself.
As you can see, Edit Theme -> BG controls the Header Bar colour.
Many thanks for raising this concern!

It seems someone internally has accidentally added a new background colour styling, altering core code!